WM AEC Affinity Group (Architecture, Engineering, Construction-Related Fields)

03/26/2025 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM ET


Affinity Group


  • Free


Hilti Grand Rapids
4503 Clay Ave. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49548
United States of America


WM AEC Affinity Group

Time Management Strategies
Professional Development Presentation by Carol Helsel, General Manager of Third Coast Test and Balance

March 26th, 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
Hilti Grand Rapids

4503 Clay Ave. SW
Grand Rapids, MI  49548

It seems simple, you have tasks to do and deadlines to get them done by.  With it being such a straightforward concept, why do so many people struggle?  Although it’s not complicated, it is a difficult practice to master.  Understanding why along with tips and the right tools can help you significantly improve your ability to “Git-R-Done”!

FREE event, lunch included

Lunch Sponsor:

A fire sprinkler with flames

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About the Speaker

Carol’s 30+ years of experience in executive leadership have helped her grow an extensive portfolio of skills, which she now uses to lead Third Coast Test and Balance (https://thirdcoasttab.com).

When Carol transitioned into the building mechanicals industry, she brought with her experience in a variety of roles.  As a Chief Operations Officer, she oversaw and directed multiple divisions and departments and had a lead role with mergers & acquisitions, collaborations and partnerships, strategic planning, and business development.  As a Senior Business Partner, she analyzed and provided solutions for optimal business operations. Carol is a professional speaker and has given presentations at a state and national level and has been interviewed by the media on leading with innovation, creativity, and best practices.  


Carol Helsel chelsel@thirdcoasttab.com
Jana Cooper jana@jlvsdesign.com


Attendee List