SE Active Inforum Affinity Group

04/04/2025 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM ET


Affinity Group


  • Free


Bowlero Lanes & Lounge
4209 Coolidge Hwy
Royal Oak, MI 48073
United States of America


Friday, April 4
Bowlero Lanes & Lounge
4209 Coolidge Hwy, Royal Oak, MI 48073

Let’s strike up some fun – join Active Inforum for bowling and networking!  Depending on the number of attendees, cost per person will be approximately $15 for lane and $3 shoe rental (more detail to come, please watch the Inforum App).  Our lane(s) will be available from 3-5pm.  

Please bring cash for bowling and shoe rental, and optionally for the cocktail lounge and arcade if you wish.



Follow the Active Inforum community on the Inforum app for updates on this and future events.

Once you register to attend, please let us know if your plans change.




Attendee List


Questions? Contact:

Rachel Thompson,

Erica Fultz,



Inforum Affinity Groups bring members together around common interests. They are led by members for members and are a great way to broaden your network, socialize, develop deeper business relationships, and simply recharge your batteries. Guests are invited to attend one to two Affinity Group gatherings prior to joining Inforum.