WM Dinner Affinity Group

04/10/2025 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM ET


Affinity Group


  • Free


975 Ottawa NW
Grand Rapids, MI
United States of America



Thursday, April 10
Silva – 975 Ottawa NW, Grand Rapids

Join us for a fun night at Silva, a new restaurant in downtown Grand Rapids! You will be greeted by a vintage horse-drawn carriage cart, salvaged from a Chicago warehouse, before being surrounded by hundreds of small, gleaming lights and circus-themed designs! Here is a link to their full menu.

Let’s talk about parking – Silva’s designated lot is off Mason Street, enter there. The lot behind Silva (off Ottawa) is NOT for Silva parking (it’s for Boardwalk Condo residents, and once you’re in, you’re stuck!); street parking is available all around including Ottawa – Northbound Ottawa is free if you can snag a spot, Southbound Ottawa is metered 8am-7pm, M-F.

It’s so helpful and important that you register on the InForum website each month so we can have an accurate count and let the restaurant know. And if you find you can’t make it after registering, please let one of us know! Our phone numbers are below:


Angie (616-558-0159)

Chris (616-862-1127)

Christy (810-360-3940)


Inforum Affinity Groups bring members together around common interests. They are led by members for members and are a great way to broaden your network, socialize, develop deeper business relationships, and simply recharge your batteries. Guests are invited to attend one to two Affinity Group gatherings prior to joining Inforum. www.inforummichigan.org


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