SE Troy Affinity Group

10/09/2025 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM ET


Affinity Group


  • Free


Chief Financial Credit Union
Troy, MI
United States of America
Room Number: 751 East Big Beaver Road


Personal Branding Through Photography

How to create a personal brand through your own style of photography, whether it be colors, tones, filters or items to build your own style so you can stand out in newsfeeds. Creating a visual story through your photos to capture your audience’s interest. 

About Stacey Dobis

I am a creative soul that likes to work with all things marketing and advertising. I have been in the field since the 1900’s. That sure makes me sound experienced, right?

In 2007, I went to Australia to meet my very good friend, Pete. We talked via chat and on the phone for 8 years before meeting in person. I don't know if you would call it brave or stupid to travel to the other side of the world by myself, but hey, I'm glad I did. It was life changing. In 2008, I moved to Australia and in 2012 Pete and I were married. We lived there for nearly 12 years.

Living in Australia gave me a worldly view influenced by various cultures. I worked in advertising, marketing, building approvals and assisted a professional photographer. I thoroughly enjoyed my time living in Australia, but in 2020 when the pandemic hit, my husband and I decided it was time to move back to the USA to help our family. The personal growth you get from moving countries twice, applying for citizenship/permanent residency in two countries and during a pandemic is pretty HUGE. This all helps me mitigate any issues that arise in my work life. I'm prepared to have to deal with pretty much anything that can go wrong.

I’ve worked for professional photographers, taken many photos of homes for real estate, and products for websites. I am now branching out with my best friend to take photos for families and professionals alike. We bring a unique combination of editing and photography skills to our new venture.

Troy Affinity Group Meeting

The mission of the Inforum Troy Morning Networking Group is to be the one meeting you look forward to attending each month. We are committed to an “apology-free” zone so do not apologize if you’re a few minutes late, or if you need to leave a few minutes early (we’ve ALL been there). Our goal is to be a welcoming, supporting networking group for professional women. The group meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. 

View Attendee List


Please contact Brenda Meller at for information or questions associated with the Troy Affinity Group, or if you are a member of Inforum interested in speaking at this group.

The Troy Affinity Group encourages members to Pay-It-Forward by paying half of a nw member’s membership fee. 

Andrea Wright

Deb Mourray
Brenda Meller

Kendra Corman

Ashley Chambers