SE Women of Wellness (WoW) Affinity Group

05/15/2025 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM ET


Affinity Group


  • Free



Women of Wellness Affinity Group


What is the purpose of the group?

Public interest in complementary and holistic healthcare options continues to grow as people seek healthier options to preserving and maintaining good health without relying on medications.

The group is focused on providing information, resources, and support for women around health and wellness issues. It will provide accessible strategies, techniques and resources women can adopt to make positive changes in their own health and lives.

We plan a wide range of health and wellness topics that women will find practical and useful in their daily health maintenance. We expect to host guest speakers who are subject matter experts in their fields.


Attendee List


Group Leadership:

Charlene Napiewocki,

Angela Gauthier,

Kathy Mielke,


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 810 2817 5940

Passcode: 803628


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