WM Lakeshore Lunch Affinity Group
07/11/2025 12:00 PM - 01:30 PM ET
Affinity Group
- Free
Anna's House
12450 Felch St
Holland, MI 49424
12450 Felch St
Holland, MI 49424
Live or work in the West Michigan Lakeshore area? Join the Lakeshore Affinity Group for lunch and to make strategic connections with other Inforum members and guests who are interested in establishing and building professional relationships.
Anna's House
12450 Felch St
Holland, MI 49424
12:00 - 1:20 p.m.
For more information contact:
Jennifer Gradnigo at Jennifer@blueberryrealtors.com
Judith Robbins, jrobbins@dartbank.com
Melissa Brower melissa@ladybugconnections.com