SE Troy Affinity Group

05/08/2025 08:00 AM - 09:00 AM ET


Affinity Group


  • Free


Chief Financial Credit Union
751 East Big Beaver Road
Troy, MI
United States of America
Room Number: Enter through East Side of Building


Topic Name: TBD

Troy Affinity Group Meeting

The mission of the Inforum Troy Morning Networking Group is to be the one meeting you look forward to attending each month. We are committed to an “apology-free” zone so do not apologize if you’re a few minutes late, or if you need to leave a few minutes early (we’ve ALL been there). Our goal is to be a welcoming, supporting networking group for professional women. The group meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. 

View Attendee List


Please contact Brenda Meller at for information or questions associated with the Troy Affinity Group, or if you are a member of Inforum interested in speaking at this group.

The Troy Affinity Group encourages members to Pay-It-Forward by paying half of a nw member’s membership fee. 

Andrea Wright

Deb Mourray
Brenda Meller

Kendra Corman

Ashley Chambers